People want to get better every day, the only thing that holds them back is they don’t know where to start. Even famous people with MBA degree sometimes find it difficult to focus on their personal growth. Below is the list of ten simple life hacks that can contribute greatly to your personal development.
5 Comebacks to Floor Your Brat Teenager
If you are the parent of a teenager, you’ve probably been asked to “Leave me alone!” — but only after you drop them off at the mall and buy them the latest iPhone. Yep, get used to being to being despised.
As hard as parenting emotional teenagers can be, staying present and keeping the lines of communication free flowing is crucial. A study by the Council of Economic Advisers found that teens who reported not feeling close to their parents were more likely to smoke, drink, abuse drugs and engage in sexual behavior. Yikes! Guess we better figure this thing out.
One of the keys to parenting teenagers with sanity in tact is humor. Laughing about the struggle will not only bring you much-needed stress relief, it will lighten up the whole situation. And if you are looking for ways to laugh your way through the treacherous teenage years, having a repertoire of comebacks is just the thing. Here are six one-liners that will take your teen off guard and might even elicit a laugh or two.
5 Fun and Inexpensive Day Trip Ideas for Families
A small trip in nature is the best way to spend more time with your loved ones. The ideal destination would be a place with a clean air where the whole family can have a lot of fun!
The room to describe different destinations is small, since there are so many wonderful places you can visit. I recommend you to find a place for yourself, get away from the city hustle and bustle. Stop for a moment right there and take a deep breath. Listen to the sounds of nature and enjoy with those you love. Let these small trips become your new ritual.
Remember that it doesn’t have to cost you a lot to have a good fun. For that purpose, I compiled a list of fun and inexpensive day trip ideas for you and your family. Enjoy it!
The Benefits of Online Life Coaching
The Internet has forever changed our lives in the way we communicate with each other and help each other. In fact, online communication has opened up possibilities that were previously not available to us.
You’ve probably heard of web therapy. Well, online life coaching is a similar concept in the sense where you are getting the help that you need online instead of traditionally such as face to face or over the phone.
So, why choose online life coaching? Continue reading below to figure out why online life coaching is a life saver.
How to Be Happier Almost Instantly
It has been said that money can’t buy happiness. And it seems to be true.
A lot of us have this mistaken belief that wealth and success can somehow enable us to reach the level of happiness that we’re seeking, but science has proven that this is not the least bit true.
Indeed, it has been proven that some small acts of kindness, goodwill and thankfulness can lead us to feel happier almost instantly. In specific, some things that can help us are the following: Smiling, meditating, relaxing, laughing, being thankful, loving, socialising, being adventurous, being generous and exercising. Continue reading below to discover how these 10 simple acts can help you reduce stress.
The following infographic by life coach spotter provides some simple science-backed tips to feel happier almost instantly.
5 Things to Do as a Family to Strengthen Bonds
You are a family, yes, even when it stops feeling that way. The kids are growing up, your partner is buried in work and you are absorbed in your everyday. You not spending time together as a family is something that becomes virtually inevitable. It is down to you now, to put back together what seem like pieces of your family. This is no mean feat and will require some effort from each of you. It is, nevertheless, achievable.
Here are 10 things to do together that will help bridge the gap.
A Lesson in Proportion
Sometimes, the things we expect the least – both good and bad – can teach us the best lessons in life. Last month, I said to a group of 26 child leaders that in many things of our life, the important thing is not what others give us, but what we choose to take. When I said that, I did not consider the possibility of taking a lesson from others without any intention on their part.
Two weeks ago, we learned a very valuable lesson from a good friend of ours. Tom, our friend, had never planned on giving us this lesson. In fact, if it was up to him, I think he would gladly not teach us this lesson at all because of the heavy price he had to pay for it.
I hope that when you read this story, you will choose to take as much as possible from it. Remember, it is not about what I write, but what you choose to receive.
Stress is Like Living in an Ambulance
Living in stress is like living in an ambulance all your life. You are on the road most of the day, you live in a small space, not many people around, everything is difficult, your decisions are all about life and death, mistakes are critical, there is no time to waste, not time for fun, not enough time and space to make your own meals, you see (too) many doctors, you develop a dark view of the world from frequent exposure to accidents, drink driving, violence and self neglect. Through the eyes of the stressed person life sucks!
If You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You Are Right – The Story of Marina
“And I thought all that time I was crazy and imagining things”, Marina said when she first came to see me. “I have been taking anti-depressants for 21 years, but now I want to stop. Will you help me?” she asked.
During coaching, Marina gradually stopped her medication with the help of her wonderful doctor. She goes out and is has entered a happy new relationship. She has improved her relationships with her kids and is communicating amazingly well with Peter. She has been promoted at work and is considering publishing her story “to help others believe they can”.