People want to get better every day, the only thing that holds them back is they don’t know where to start. Even famous people with MBA degree sometimes find it difficult to focus on their personal growth. Below is the list of ten simple life hacks that can contribute greatly to your personal development.
Sleep early
Early to bed, early to rise is the best way to be healthy, wealthy and wise. For an active and efficient lifestyle, people must sleep around or before 11 pm. Many researchers have found that staying awake late at night might affect your mental health. It is believed from centuries that waking up early in the morning is the best way to start a great day. Most of the successful people in this world wake before 6 o’clock in the morning.
Be flexible and ready to adapt to change
Everybody wants a good life, but not everybody is willing to change their personal habits to earn that good life. It is very important for personal development that an individual must learn to adapt as per the changing environments. Those famous people with MBA degree are best at their personal management. People who welcome change and adapt easily are the ones who reach on top of their success ladder without much hassle.
Schedule your daily tasks
Scheduling your tasks daily is one the way to head towards a more structured and planned lifestyle. Setting priorities and completing tasks within the set time limit will allow you to find more time for your family and personal development. This also reduces chances of unforeseen and unplanned events in your life. If you go through a descriptive essay on a person you will get an idea about setting goals on daily, weekly, monthly basis and how this life hack can help you in long term achievement.
Think smart before working hard
Hard work is the one of the basic ingredients needed for personal growth. But in order to achieve success early, you need LUCK on your side. Here, LUCK stands for Labor Under Correct Knowledge. Knowing or analysing the outcomes of your actions will always keep you one step ahead in the competition. Always try to seek the guidance of someone who is experienced in similar situations that you are in right now, they might already know what’s good or bad for you.
Eat less and eat healthily
Overeating and unhealthy diet are the root causes of obesity. Consuming healthy and organic food will induce positive and clear thinking within you. When you go to Gym the first thing your trainer will tell you is the amount of exercise you do will account for 20% of your muscle growth and the rest 80% is up to your diet.
Daily or routinely exercise
Health is wealth. And the best way to maintain health is to exercise. Exercising minimum 4 times per week is recommended for any individual who is looking forward to healthy and happy life. By developing this habit you will have a positive attitude towards your daily life, you will feel more energized and fresh both physically and mentally.
Make books your mentor
There have been some great personalities that are known for their contribution in their respective fields. Most of these people like Mahatma Gandhi, Warren Buffet, Chanakya etc. have left behind their experience, their wisdom, their teachings and their vision in their personal short autobiography format. It is not mandatory that you will always be mentored by the right person, but it is possible these short autobiography format books might give you the right knowledge that will help you mentor yourself.
Don’t procrastinate
Time is the most valuable resource a human could possess, it should never be wasted. Get in the habit of doing it now because it is not necessary that the right time will ever come. Wasting time by waiting for the right time can cost you many big opportunities in your lifetime.
Know your weakness
Nobody is perfect. If you have a look at a descriptive essay on a person you will notice that all of us have our own weaknesses and these flaws are what that makes us human. But knowing your weak spots will help to wake up from your autopilot mode. Autopilot mode is the state when people carry out certain activities subconsciously that affect their personal growth, in a both good and bad way.
Imagine a person returning back from his/her office and on the way, he/she lights up a cigarette unconsciously and he/she do this every day because it makes him/her feel good and relaxed. Knowing your weak spots can help you replace certain habits that will be better for you in the long run. For example, instead of smoking a cigarette, you can relax by talking to your loved ones about how you (and they) spent your day.
Be positive no matter what the circumstances you are going through
Be grateful for what you have and always be optimistic. Always remember life is a journey, there will be good times as well as bad times. Being positive and patient during worse situations increases your inner strength and gives you more willpower.
It is always good to keep the positive vibe around instead of fussing about the irrelevance. Make sure you decide how you feel about the day. Do not get influenced by the situations because situations get powerful only when you provide power to them.
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Pheang Kok