The Internet has forever changed our lives in the way we communicate with each other and help each other. In fact, online communication has opened up possibilities that were previously not available to us.
You’ve probably heard of web therapy. Well, online life coaching is a similar concept in the sense where you are getting the help that you need online instead of traditionally such as face to face or over the phone.
So, why choose online life coaching? Continue reading below to figure out why online life coaching is a life saver.
Global Access
One of the greatest benefits of online life coaching by far is the global access to all kinds of talent and resources that you can get. In fact, hiring an online life coach means that you don’t have to be limited by your location. Being able to enlist the services of anyone from anywhere in the world is a big plus for all those who live in places where the best talent in terms of life coaching might not be available.
Less self consciousness
Lots of people – me included – might feel nervous or somewhat self-conscious by going to see a life coach. Online life coaching can break that emotional barrier and allow you to be yourself while seeking the help that you need in order to achieve your life goals.
With the ever so busy lives of people these days, it’s hard to find time to go see a life coach after work or during break hours. In such situations which have become more and more common for both men and women of our generations, online life coaching is the most convenient solution for life coaching. It also makes it easier for working people to go home and schedule a session after dinner when they are relaxed at home and truly motivated to make changes. That way their session can start and finish while they are in the comfort of their armchairs or couch.
More choices
With online life coaching, you get more variety and wider options since you are communicating with people from all across the globe.
Cost savings
Online life coaching is a more affordable option for many people. This is mainly due to the fact that it completely eliminates travel expenses and it reduces or eliminates the possibility of income reduction for people who work by the hour.
Remote life coaching
Sometimes, we need help the most when we face unfamiliar situations, perhaps in unfamiliar places. You might find yourself needing to talk to someone while you are traveling or away on a job. A person living in the States, for instance, can easily benefit from the services of a life coach in Australia, such as Ronit Baras. Visit Ronit’s website for more information about her life coaching, as well as her life coach mentoring.
Finally, there are so many advantages to online life coaching which make it the perfect solution for so many people. Opening up our minds to online life coaching can, in fact, open us to new opportunities that will help us grow.
That being said, online life coaching might not suit everyone. Indeed, certain people, especially those with traditional mentalities might not be comfortable with the idea of hiring a life coach from a different country or culture. Likewise, a lot of people prefer the feel of personal interaction with a life coach.
The following infographic gives you some basic information about where to find your life coach if you’re living in the United States.
It’s nice that you mentioned how one of the greatest benefits of online life coaching by far is the global access to all kinds of talent and resources that you can get. My friend wants his younger sister to get coached, however, he is having some trouble with finding one. With that in mind, I think he should try looking into online adolescent coaching workshops.